
(wŏn'dər-lŭst') def: a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world (Oxford Dictionary)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 25: Bill and I

OMG! Dawn was amazing!!! I walked out of the hotel at 6:50am (I know, I slept in), and out into a wonderland. O'Cebreiro was an island floating above the clouds and dawn was breaking on the horizon. I stood for ages watching the mist, swirling below like the ocean with fast-rolling tides. The trail swung me up and over the hill above town to look down over the clear valley on the other side, then back to the mist for the rest of the morning.

Bill, my blister, had to be coerced into my shoe this morning and wouldn't play along nicely until our first little hill. Then I think he figured out he might as well go along with it as I wasn't going to stop on his account.

The trail followed a high ridge for many kilometers on quiet paths just hidden from the highway by a tall hedgerow. The views were there in full force - I kept twisting my neck watching the green fields, small villages, peaks & valleys, and mist.

Poor Bill, I'm not very sympathetic with him. He's unhappy, and wells up with tears, and what do I do? Poke him till he cries. He'll get lots of love and attention tonight, but right now there's work to do!

I've been forced off trail by herd of cows! Twice!! I gave way naturally, being pinned against a wall will do that, and lived to tell the tale. It was actually an animal-filled day: roosters, cats doing silly things, cows, dogs who can't be bothered to lift their head nor move from the middle of the road, birds chirping, lizards sunning, etc etc.

I had my 2nd morning coffee with the Canadian gals and my 3 amigos, all discussing our day's destination. Triacastela = 21k, or Samos 30k? Bill and I will have a talk in Triacastela and see if we want to continue.

The afternoon had periods of the most perfect walking possible. The Way contracted into dark, leafy tunnels wending past fields and farms, with high stone walls sheltering the path, and sunlight only occassionally breaking through the shade. It was peaceful, refreshing, and got me through the day.

I did make the decision to go to Samos - my new friends would be there and Bill was fairly compliant. I was in the mood to walk; the longer I'm on the Camino, the more I want to walk. Not to rack up the miles, but it just feels good.

It didn't really feel that good - a hot day and thank goodness for those tunnels of green! A portion of the afternoon was along the highway, which was sweaty work, and thank goodness for the breeze those tractor-trailers make!

I made it. Bill's quiet. Laundry's done. Dinner consumed. Wine still being drunk, and laughs are being shared with my Canadian friends.
Dinner with Annamarie , she´s good and went to the evening service
while I stayed and drank with the Canadians!

Thanks, Allison
Sent from my iPhone

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