
(wŏn'dər-lŭst') def: a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world (Oxford Dictionary)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Surviving Our Hiking Holiday

Hi All,
Sorry for the delay in blogging but we've had very little time to really sit down at the computer to gather our thoughts so I'm just going to post a bunch of photos for now and will come back later to flesh out the details.  All is going well, though 'tis been a very soggy trip, but we're enjoying it nonetheless.

North of Edinburgh we stopped at Blair Castle

Then the Falls of Dochart on our circuitous route to Glencoe

Once past Crainlarich you're immediately in the Highlands

No time to rotate as our bus is leaving but this upside down house is our home for the week

Rooming in style

And enjoying the toasty fire and warming scotch

Chose to walk the lochs the first day

Day 2 had some lovely loch views before the rain set in

Water, heather, rocky path and bog make up our trail

Lovely glen view and that's the West Highland Way on the right

it's been very very wet underfoot

are we having fun yet?

Finished today's walk - where's the bar??

Ben Nevis - highest mountain in Britain (we went around it...)

lunch in the rain (that's Sheila in the white!)

the weather changed every 5 mins, literally!

Sun + rain = rainbows!

Even some sightseeing on our walks = Inverlochy Castle


  1. Where you've walked brings back many memories. And memories of the endless rain too, and the weather changing so rapidly. I'm glad the rain hasn't drowned your spirits!


    1. Thanks! We complain a bit while out there slogging thru it but we always are glad at the end of the day that we did the walk.

  2. The endless rain was a big factor in me going to live in France. It also pushed me to travel to India in 85 to get some sunlight. Now have revisited India 3 more times. And I enjoy the sun and light in Spain and France. I'm going again to Spain in a couple of weeks and will maybe do some way-marking with yellow paint.

