I'm not quite sure why Oceania docks here... the popular attraction on Crete is Knossos and this is neither the most convenient nor the largest port to that archeological site. In fact, its a rather quiet pretty little harbor with a tiny beach and a bit of shopping. Neither archeology nor shopping are high on Mom's favorite To-Do's so we wandered over to the beach and had a lovely morning on rented lounge chairs, soaking in the Mediterranean.
There was a reception for Canadian guests in the Horizons lounge at 6:30pm. Technically we could have sat there from Afternoon Tea through Happy Hour to the reception but we skipped the middle bit :-) We wandered in about 6:40 to find only 3 tables filled and these scattered across the vast empty plain that makes up the lounge. Hmm, maybe us Canucks aren't a social bunch?
Just to prove that we were (which, anyone who knows us, will be rolling on the floor!) we signed up to share a table with other guests at the Red Ginger restaurant at the shockingly late hour of 8pm (we've been dining at 6:30!). We ended up at a table for 8 with couples from Savannah, Melbourne, and Edmonton. We had a great time chatting to all and although the food wasn't our favorite, we really enjoyed the evening.
Tomorrow: Argostoli, Cephalonia
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