
(wŏn'dər-lŭst') def: a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world (Oxford Dictionary)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Riviera Day 5: Santorini

Whitewash, views, donkeys, tourists, hot. Say 'Santorini' to us now and these are the impressions that will come to mind.  Brilliantly whitewashed buildings piled hodgepodge on top of each other, crowding the precarious edge of a cliff that plummets to the sea below.  

Stark white barrel-shaped roofs intermixed with the gorgeous "Grecian" blue church domes that dot every village. 

Narrow, twisty, cobbled pedestrian paths chockerblock full of souvenir shops and tourists to fill them.  

The gliding up via the cable car from the ship's dock to the town above, then the struggle to descend down 770 steps fouled with donkey doo and the sorry creatures themselves.

And the freedom of doing it our way.

Tomorrow: Aghios Nikolaos, Crete

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