
(wŏn'dər-lŭst') def: a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world (Oxford Dictionary)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 9: Last Hike With HF

Our last full day at HF Holidays! We stuck to our routine and hiked separately: me with the Hard group, Sheila with the Medium. Both hikes were very similar, 10.5m/2200', and 9m/2110'. Mine perhaps had some stiffer climbs versus more gentler slopes, and it was certainly colder. Our warm sunny days had changed to mostly overcast with a terribly cold biting wind along the exposed ridge line we traversed. I had on every spare layer I had, gloves on hands and runny nose hankerchief tied up around my ears! The Brits laughed at my thin blood but jeez, it WAS cold!!

Mom suffered significantly less on her hike, especially as they managed to stop in at a pub for a pint along the way!

Our leader had reduced the mileage of our hike by 2 miles as we had already done the first bit on a previous day so it finally gave us Hardies a chance to have a meander around town (today: Crickhowell) and a good sit in a pub after the hike instead of throwing one back quickly before the bus arrived. I was able to treat my leader to a beer and we swapped some sailing stories whilst sitting out in the sunny garden waiting for Mom's group to appear.

As it was the last night, the leaders offered country dancing as the evening's entertainment, interspersed with short offerings by the guests (poems, skits, stories, etc.). I pleaded...well, non-interest, but Sheila apparently kicked up her heels for a few jigs and sat painfully through a few performances before sneaking out the side door. Good for her, though, for representing the remaining Canucks! 

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