We thought our sea days would be full of rest and relaxation but they’ve prepared a full schedule for the day and so we find ourselves moving from one activity or meal to the next. And the stairs! We are constantly moving up and down the steep flights of stairs between decks, i.e. the presentation room is on Deck 1, our cabin Deck 4, the lounge Deck 6, so it’s up and down, up and down like a bride’s nightie! At dinner one guest stated that her Fitbit had her climbing 42 flights of stairs that day! Luckily there’s also an elevator between most floors so I have resorted to that when my ankle starts to protest.

Today’s lectures were on the Seabirds of the Southern Ocean, the Impact of Tourism on the Antarctic, and Glaciers and Their Effect on the Landscape. There was to be a practical photography session on the back deck but the afternoon just seemed to disappear and so it was postponed until tomorrow.
A great treat was in store for us at Afternoon Tea in the Sky Lounge. It turns out that Vanessa, one of the staff, is quite the accomplished violinist/fiddler so she, Nate (our expedition leader), and Simon (the bird expert), put on a little show for us with a mix of folk songs, jazz, classical and country. It was really quite fantastic and they got quite a round of applause for their efforts.

We went through a time change at dinner, moving our clocks one hour forward, so I was thankful I had a little chat with the seal expert, Peter, earlier in the day and he had given the 4 of us a private showing of his fur seals videos after breakfast – his scheduled talk wasn’t until 9:15pm (now 10:15pm!), far too late for us newbie sailors.
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