Today was mosquito hell. They were active a good hour before they were supposed to be this morning so I broke all the rules and made & drank my coffee in my tent, and it took an Act of Congress for us to drop our drawers to answer the call of nature!
The day just didn't get any better. The skies were grey and sprinkly. We had planned a hot breakfast at Lake Virginia which was 2 miles down the trail but just as we found a nice secluded spot in the trees with a view of the lake, the skies opened up. Misty, God bless her, carried on with her eggs and bacon while Jo and I threw up a tarp and huddled.
Thirty minutes later the storm broke and we ventured out into a whole new world. There were bits of blue sky, the dust was packed down, everything had a little sparkle to it and we were happy. The trail became attractive again and we turned the rocky descent to McGee Pass Trail into a herbology and flower discussion.
Then hell enveloped us as a plague of voracious biting skeeters swarmed us as we reached Fish Creek, and they just wouldn't let us go! For hours we tried to stop for a snack or lunch but any longer than resting for a quick breather they'd attack and we'd have to move on. Not until we hiked 5 more miles and got above the treeline could we finally stop.
We'd thought of camping at Squaw Lake but it was still a bit early so we carried on. Just then the skies opened again and we quickly donned our ponchos and hiked on thru the rain.
Luckily these mountain showers are quick and 20mins later we doffed our plastic saunas and started up the final ascent to Silver Pass. We LOVE passes!
The trail is well-graded and the wildflowers, sturdy stunted trees, the reflective tarns, jagged peaks and expansive views make it just phenomenal.
Silver Pass Lake was just a half mile down the other side and we found a delightful sheltered spot in the open plain
between the trail and the water. And best of all? No mosquitos!!!
Today's Miles: 9.4
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